With the price of car insurance rates rising it is important to know how to save on your car insurance rates and get the best policy that matches you. I have 10 tips that can help you do that.
1.Don't be afraid to shop around for better car ins rates. -If you have been with the same company for quite some time, chances are you are paying too much. Insurance companies are competing with each other so much these days that new customers are paying anywhere from 25-50% less than customers that have been loyal to there company. This could be because you aren't getting your companies best car insurance rate they have and it could also be that your situation has changed and another company is more competitive for you. 2.Compare different deductibles. -Sometimes changing to a $500 deductible can save you a few hundred dollars a year. If you don't file claims very often, then you can usually save over the long run through lower car insurance rates. Just remember, you have to be able to afford the deductible you choose if you do have a claim. 3.Drive slower and more careful. -Just one ticket or accident can lose your good driver discount which is usually 25-40%. Driving slower and more cautious can also save you on tires, brakes, and even gas. Drivers without tickets or claims on there record for 3 years pay far less on car ins than drivers with even 1 occurrence. 4.Pay your bills on time. -Most states use your credit, or insurance score to evaluate your car ins rates. Having a good credit rating can save up to 50% over someone that has the lowest score available. This will save you with more than just your car ins. You will get better credit card interest rates, mortgage rates, etc... 5.Maintain an active car ins policy. -Not having proof of previous insurance, or an active policy for the past 6 months usually puts you in a high risk pool. This puts you at a high risk if you get in an accident as well. If you don't have car ins and someone comes after you for a loss then you are going to be paying the price straight out of your pocket. It isn't worth the risk. 6.Only carry the coverages you need. If you have an older car you may not want comprehensive or collision coverage. You may also have multiple cars in your household. In this case there probably isn't a need for rental car reimbursement. This usually runs between $15-25/vehicle every 6 months.
There are multiple other ways to save on car ins and I have other articles available to learn more as well. This is a very simple way to save. The biggest rule of thumb is to simply shop around. Not all car insurance companies are the same and they don't all offer the same rates. Compare car ins rates with multiple companies before changing. You can also compare MichiganAutoInsurance with us to save. Other states, we have provided resources to get competitive insurance quotes from reputable carriers. You more than likely can save a few hundred dollars on your next policy.
by Jayson Lash
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