Automobile insurance rules that applies to both U.S and U.K
Finding out the Automobile Insurance rules? Well, Automobile insurance rules differ from state to state, sometimes it differ from city to city within a state. Different state would set different Automobile Insurance Rules. There are very few federal automobile insurance rules or laws that apply to all states in America or UK. I think "You must have an auto insurance to drive or else you go to jail", is basically the only national constant. Please remember, automobile insurance rules are different from motorcycle insurance rules.How to find out the Automobile Insurance Rules?
The best place to find the most up-to-date and accurate information on the automobile insurance rules for your state is to go directly to your state's Department of Motor Vehicles (the dreaded DMV). Remember to ask for Automobile Insurance Rules, not Motorcycle insurance rules. Be specific to ask the right questions. Most states now have this information online in downloadable formats for you, so you don't have to stand in line all day at your local DMV office.
If you are visiting from another country or states, be sure to find out on the DMV websites for automobile insurance rules for foreign drivers before entering. The rules have changed for some states and to keep up to date, please visit DMV website for more information. Don't rely on hearsay or what happened when you drove around ten years ago.
Why need to check about Automobile Insurance Rules?
Many insurance companies or agent will always want your business. They will sell you a lot more insurance than you actually need, knowing the rules so you don't over pay your auto insurance. Knowing the rules get you fully insured to make sure you don't have to pay a lump sum when you get into car accident, so it's always better to ask more than 3 quotes from insurance companies. Read more about asking for a quote from my professional website listed in the resource box.
Which Insurance companies are the best?
There is nothing to define which companies are the best, of cause, the bigger, the better! But you do need to know sometimes the bigger insurance company, the more expensive the Insurance will be. Always know about Automobile Insurance Rules first, then find out what you need to insured, and finally start shopping for a good Insurance quote. We would say a minimum of 3 quotes is good enough to start with, always ask for discount!
What is the Top 10 easiest car to get insured in U.S?
Here is a list of the top ten least expensive vehicles to insure, that have a sticker price of less than $50k, according to the Highway Loss Data Institute (HLDI): 1. Oldsmobile Silhouette 2. Pontiac Montana 3. Saturn L Series Wagon 4. Chrysler PT Cruiser 5. Saturn L Series Sedan 6. Chevrolet Venture 7. Chevrolet Astro 8. Saturn Vue 9. Jeep Wrangler 10. Oldsmobile Bravada
Why Bother checking at all? The reason for you to check with your local or state's automobile insurance rules is so you don't wind up overpaying for your driver's insurance. But a lot of people didn't realize the important of this.
Well, there's definitely a lot more to learn when it's about auto insurance, read more about my other auto insurance information. Thanks.
by David John
About the Author
David has been working in the Insurance industry for more than 15 years, he'll share with you the best way to obtain cheapest auto insurance. Read more about his article at Understanding Automobile Insurance Rules
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